Coordinating a Successful Digital Transformation

Nothing limits an organization’s ability to get through a digital transformation like a lack of buy-in from employees. For this reason, in companies focused on taking the leap into the digitized world, executives are empowering employees to be an active part of the process. Despite the main goal of bringing in new technology, it’s the people who make everything tick.

Empower Change

There’s a balance to be found when getting your people involved in the digital transformation process. You need everyone’s buy-in, but you must also limit the decision-making to only a handful of leaders.

By all means, everyone should be allowed to share their perspective about technology needs. But when it comes to laying down the outline for how the process will roll out, this should be the responsibility of a select few.

You can empower change by asking for input about where the challenges will be most likely to cause bottlenecks, and then ask for assistance in alleviating that challenge. This often inspires employees to get on board with the integration of new processes that are related to digital transformation.

Coordinate Leadership

Once you’ve identified who will lead the rollout of your digital transformation process, make sure they’re all reading from the same playbook.

The process can be quickly derailed if you’ve got one leader carrying out a process with their team that is completely different from the other leaders. This means you have to do more than have one training session — you need regular meetings where everything is discussed and the direction you’re going to take is crystal clear.

Educate and Train

The best digital transformation projects involve extensive training. This can come via webinars, conference calls, videos and online training software.

Most organizations are privy to the fact that there will be some training required, but too many only offer one resource one time, thinking that’ll be enough. Experience has proven that multiple education options result in the best outcomes.

Digital adoption, when done correctly, is a coordinated, synchronized, and exacting. The right agent can assist you with your digital transformation. At One Connect, we’re experts at connecting our clients with the convergence technology and services that help them continue to strive to reach their goals without missing a beat. Contact us for more information about how we can take a customized approach to assisting your organization.