The Benefits of Cloud Communications Outweigh Any Risk

Transitioning to a cloud communications solution may be met with hesitation, even at a large enterprise that has a lot to gain from a technology update. Managers may be reluctant to train staff on a new system or they may fear an interruption in service to customers. The benefits of cloud communications, once they are understood and quantified, can convince line-of-business managers that any perceived risk is minimal:

Cost savings: Most organizations realize significant cost savings from switching to the cloud. The reduction in hardware and maintenance offers savings, and the monthly subscription can be categorized as operating expenses, in contrast to the new phone systems that require a large capital investment.

Seamless customer experience: A unified communications approach allows a customer to switch between voice calls, email, text, or IM, with a consistent experience across all conversations. Likewise, customer service representatives can access the entire history of all communications with a particular customer through a single app.

Scalability: When you use a cloud communications solution, you pay only for the number of users you need. As seasonality or growth impacts your needs, you simply add or reduce users. It’s easy to scale up or down as necessary.

Improved security: Despite widespread adoption of cloud solutions, security remains one of the most frequently mentioned concerns. Cloud communications providers utilize multiple layers of security measures, as well as continuous monitoring of activity. While a cloud solution introduces a different set of security concerns compared to an in-house call center, your provider should be able to give you detailed information about how security is handled.

Updates and innovation: When you choose a cloud communications solution, you not only can turn the headache of software updates over to the provider, but you also enjoy frequent innovations to your communications system. Cloud solutions providers are investing in research and development in their own efforts to be competitive in their industry, and you reap the benefits.

Choices: When it comes to making the switch away from an old call center, there’s some comfort in the fact that there are a lot of choices. Not only is there a variety of cloud solutions on the market, but you also the choice between a full cloud migration or a hybrid solution. Additionally, you can implement the transition slowly or do a full switch to cloud.

At One Connect, we offer cloud solutions to fit your call center needs. Contact us for more information about the ease with which you can transition to an innovative communications solution for your enterprise.