Data Center Solutions to Fit Your Needs

Colocation isn’t for every industry or every organization, but for some, it just makes sense. For example, organizations that need the maximum amount of infrastructure control, such as those in the public sector and healthcare industry, need the ability to shift resources, often from data center management to other areas like IT infrastructure. For them, colocation is a good fit.

In many ways, an off-site data center provides a great amount of leverage because data centers are often scalable and able to fit a growing company’s needs. But are they always the answer?

In some situations, organizations will find limitations with colocation technology. For example, larger applications can take months to deploy, which would be an unacceptable timeframe for many organizations. There are also peak load provisions that can be a roadblock. Scaling up and down in a fast manner can be another weakness associated with colocation.

Can the Public Cloud Be the Answer?

Seeking out public cloud solutions is an option because there are no capital expenses involved and scalability is not an issue. However, for those organizations that seek ultimate control of infrastructure, the public cloud becomes a no-go. Data breaches are a risk they aren’t willing to accept. Additionally, some applications are not suited for the public cloud.

An On-Demand Solution

Organizations want control, but not at the expense of adaptability. On-demand colocation can be a good fit for those who seek out the agility concept and retain control of infrastructure. With architecture that is fueled by software, integrating new applications has a minimal deployment time, from months to days.

For organizations that want to eliminate complexities surrounding capital equipment and procurement, an on-demand solution in the cloud could be a great fit, because colocation expenditures are OpEx, not CapEx. This allows them to get to market faster while avoiding the risks most often associated with a public cloud solution.

At One Connect, we allow our clients to set their sights higher. Our secure, off-site servers are protected from outages and all data is backed up. Flexibility is also something our clients find with our solutions. A virtual or dedicated server, hosted exchange, data backup and recovery, or hosted VoIP and call center solution can be a match for your organization, so contact us today and let’s talk about your needs.